terça-feira, 14 de setembro de 2010

Acid Rain in the world

About 35% of European ecosystems are already severely altered and about 50% of the forests of Germany and the Netherlands are destroyed by acid rain. On the coast of the North Atlantic, the sea water is between 10% and 30% more acid than in the past twenty years. In the U.S., where power plants are responsible for almost 65% of sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere, the soil of the Appalachian Mountains is also changed: it has an acidity ten times higher than that of the surrounding areas of lower altitudes, and one hundred times larger the regions where there is no such pollution.
Acid rain releases toxic metals that were on the ground. These metals can reach rivers and are used by humans, causing serious health problems. Acid rain also helps to erode the materials used in buildings such as houses, buildings and architecture, destroying dams, hydroelectric turbines, amongst other. The lakes may be most hurt by the effect of acid rain because they could become fully acidified, losing all his life.

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